It's been MONTHS since I've written a blog post (obviously) and it's nice to finally have some time on my hands! And of course, I have to tell you what my first quarter at Cal Poly was like.
The Food: Terrible. A couple of the dining spots on campus are notorious for food poisoning. And it makes me so mad-we live in the heart of California's agricultural land and yet the vegetables and fruit are poor quality. Next quarter I really need to work on fueling my body right because campus food (except for this one sandwich place) just isn't good for me.
The Campus: Gorgeous! I love everything about coastal weather-chilly mornings and warm afternoons, gorgeous sunsets, scattered rain. We have some pretty amazing views of mountains so every run is pretty. The campus is on a hill (and my dorm is at the top of the hill) so I have to walk up a hill every time I want to get back to the dorm. My butt has benefitted very much from this, lol.
The People: Good, for the most part. Some of the girls can still be kinda clique-y but I've met so many people that I can just go up to and start a conversation with. Most people are pretty chill here and it sounds funny, but we're just a happy group of people.
The Classes/Teachers: I took General Chemistry 1, The Diversity of Life (a Biology class), and Public Speaking. My chemistry teacher was probably my favorite-she reminded me of my clarinet teacher from home-very petite but full of dynamic energy. She also liked me because I got really, REALLY high scores on my midterms and took the lead in my lab group-I hope I get to take her again. My biology class was my least favorite. The teacher was not engaging (and didn't seem to be able to answer questions) and the class was at 8:40AM-there was not a day I didn't fall asleep during it. Public speaking was definitely a helpful class in terms of "when am I ever going to need this?" I got a lot out of it, despite days of flushed cheeks and sweaty palms.
The Rec Center: AMAZING. Brand new equipment, lots of windows, many places to work out-oh yeah. I went 3-4 times/week during the Fall quarter. I have never gone to an actual gym before, so it was cool to learn how to use the stationary bikes, stairmaster, and hip adductor/abductor machine. The last one was my favorite-my inner thighs have never been so tight in my entire life! The downside to my infatuation with the gym was that I did not run outside except for maybe a handful of times. So this break I've been getting back into running and I had forgotten how strong it makes me feel. That's another thing I'm going to work on next quarter: run more.
The Diseases: College is basically a hormonally-charged melting pot for all kinds of sicknesses. The initial "Poly Plague" went around and then strep and mono followed after it. I am so lucky to have gotten nothing worse than a slight head cold. Taking a multivitamin every day, using hand sanitizer, drinking emergen-C, and keeping up on my sleep and exercise really paid off. There WAS one night that I had the runs, but hey! That burrito did taste a little funky...
I think that's it for now! I'll try to write again before break ends :)