Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me! And 18 Things I'm Thankful For

I'm 18 today. What a serious number-I can almost feel the cynicism and wrinkles creeping in. But before I get too old, I'd like to recognize 18 things for which I am thankful in this part of my life.

1. A supportive family-though they drive me crazy, I would not be the person I am today without them.
2. Wonderful friends-they fill my life with energy and laughter and I could not wish for anything better.
3. Musical abilities-playing clarinet had done so many great things for me and I hope I never give it up.
4. My perseverance throughout my weight struggles. At my heaviest, I weighed 150lbs at a height of a mere 5'2". The summer before my freshman year in high school I started running, and the pounds came off and have stayed off (aside from the occasional PMS bloat and emotional ice cream consumption).  Now I'm content at a weight of 125lbs and still work everyday on my fitness and well-being.
5. All the teachers who supported me throughout school and who inspired me to achieve my best.
6. Crest Whitestrips and braces. A little smile goes a long way! But of course, more is more.
7. The ability to tell myself "Rachel, don't be a weenie" (doesn't work if others say it lol) and then somehow magically it gets me to try amazing new things!
8. Books.
9. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ryan Gosling, Charlie McDonnell, the unusually large percentage of good-looking young men in Washington DC, Adam Levine, etc
10. Bride Day on TLC.
11. The opportunity to receive my undergraduate education through Cal Poly.
12. People who make a point to include others and make them feel welcome/accepted.
13. Table manners.
14. Maternal instincts and the ability to really listen to people so that they feel valued.
15. Chocolate.
16. Wisdom gathered from random places.
17. DOGS DOGS DOGS-their fuzzy butts, soft ears, soulful eyes-everything about them.
18. Lastly, I'm thankful to have this blog so that I can capture the positive moments of my life to look back upon in a few years (or when I need some cheering up). As Gretchen Rubin says, the days are long but the years are long.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Happiness Project

This summer I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin-I'm so glad I did. It's so easy to get caught up in just going through the motions of life and this book really helped me stop and think about what I'm really doing with my life. Rubin ends the book with a few questions to think about soooo here are my reflections!

What makes you feel good? What activities do you find fun, satisfying, or energizing?
----I'm lucky to have quite a few things that bring positive energy into my life: playing my clarinet, working out, baking, making an effort to look good, and spending time with my dog/family/friends, but I also enjoy spending time alone.  Reading has become a refuge for me this summer, and sometimes it's also nice just to listen to music and paint my toenails.

What makes you feel bad? What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration, or anxiety in your life?
----Usually I love going the extra mile for people, but lately the people I've been there for don't give me the time of day except when they want something. People who have bad manners also irritate me (especially when they chew ice or chew with their mouth open). I've also been bored this summer due to my inability to find a job so that's been a sore spot-it just gives me time to think about things that I don't need to worry about.  And I'm often bothered by the fact that despite having a mile PR of 7:28, I can't seem to have a run where my average pace is under 10 minutes.

Is there any way in which you don't feel right about your life? Do you wish you could change your job, city, family situation, or other circumstances? Are you living up to your expectations for yourself? Does your life reflect your values?
---Well, I'm changing cities soon with my move to college! And there's nothing I would change about my immediate family or how my life reflects my values. But living up to my own expectations? Yes and no. I didn't study as hard as I should have in high school and my GPA limited my college selection. But even then, some kids would kill to have the opportunities I had when choosing my final college. It's just  that despite my score of 2250 on the SAT and 3.9 GPA, the vast majority of my friends are the smartest at the school, and sometimes I feel rather quite stupid next to them. But I'm determined to change that in college! I'll be in the honors program and I have a few goals about my GPA. (Best: 4.0 every quarter, Good: Deans List/3.5+ every quarter, OK: 3.0+ every quarter).

Do you have sources of an atmosphere of growth? In what elements of your life do you find progress, learning, challenge, improvement, and increased mastery?
---College is the ultimate atmosphere of growth in all aspects: my social scene/personal life, academics, staying healthy, trying new things but staying true to the people and activities I already love, and doing laundry.

I also thought it was interesting that she differentiated between goals and resolutions. In her words, "you hit a goal, you keep a resolution". For example, I have daily goals of practicing my clarinet, but I've been working on a resolution to make my practice more efficient and productive.

What do you do to make sure that you stay a happy person?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

This week has been hectic-and I'm not even in school! There's been some ups and downs and "life intervening" moments so it certainly kept me on my toes.

But let's stay positive and focus on the highlights!

I painted my toenails hot pink-what a departure from my normal teal! It was a "YOLO I'm gonna be fabulous" moment. The color is Miami Nice by Essie-it has a lavender tinge in some lights and it looks so pretty!

My little sister's first day of 7th grade. It's tradition to have chocolate chip pancakes on the first day of school so woohoo!

Another early morning long run. I feel like its against the teenage code to get up at 5:20 to run but then I feel incredible for the rest of the day.  And thank goodness for chocolate Gu! That stuff keeps me going.  I really want to try to do 9 miles next weekend-this was my second 7 miler and I was still exhausted when I finished (so naturally I treated myself to a Jamba protein berry workout smoothie). And yeah I'm super slow, I know.

I got a twitter! You can follow me at @rosyrachelmarie. I'm trying to limit the time I spend tweeting though, not quite sure how I feel about it.  If it's called 'tweeting' does that make me as a user a 'twit'? Funny funny.

Food and friends! I had an end-of-the-summer get-together for a group of friends and OF COURSE had to make food including ribs, pasta salad, fruit salad, cherry cheesecake cupcakes, lemon bars, and cookie/reeses/brownie bars.  Aaaaaand now what to do with all the leftovers. Hm.
I don't even know what's happening in this picture.
One of my favorite people, Bridget. What you see here is her trying to eat kettle corn around a tower of flameless candles. 

This morning's workout-part of my 'Strength Sunday' routine.
All with 8lb weights:
10 step back lunge rows on each side
15 side bends on each side
10 forward bends
10 squats to shoulder presses
10 lunges to arm lift
10 pushups

Repeated 3 times, ended third set with 10 squat jumps and 10 burpees. I'm so bad at lifting weights it's ridiculous hahaha.

Today is really exciting-washing my new clothes, practicing my clarinet (college wind ensemble audition coming up soon), and catching up on some reading.  Tomorrow I'm going to watch the NCIS marathon with my sister-maybe I'll try to do some exercises in front of the TV.

Plans for Labor Day? Best way to power through a weights workout and/or long run?